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Mindfulness Techniques

We have a wide range of meditative techniques in our program because not every person is the same in how they respond to stress, stimulation, social encounters, and so on. To accommodate for everyone’s own needs, we offer times of silent meditation that include the following varieties:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: focusing on understanding how our minds work by learning to rest in and appreciate the present moment, circling back around to realizing the purpose of said meditation and remembering the process of getting to that state.

  • Movement Meditation: focusing on the movement of the body while meditating, this process allows individuals to be present in their bodies during movement (such as yoga, going on a walk, etc.). Once this skill is mastered, the individual can then transfer this mindset to associating his/her relaxed state with other forms of movement such as playing their favorite sport or doing the dishes.

  • Focused Meditation: simply focusing on one task at a time, the opposite process of multitasking. If an individual notices his/her mind wandering, the idea is to pull their thoughts back onto the initial topic of focus.

  • Visualization Meditation: focusing on an image that brings a feeling or quality to mind - taking unwanted mental activity and turning it into peace. An example may be visualizing an individual’s worries as being leaves of a tree, turning colors and falling away in the wind.

Brain Sketch
Lone Walk
Rock Climber Powdering Hands
Fall Foliage

Small Groups

Our small group activities consist of individualized activities and/or content. Sometimes designating group time for discussions is necessary but other times physical activities are an essential part of group progress. We like to create a space that is open-ended and formed to aid with each individual’s growth. Depending on the time of year, we will plan accordingly as far as indoor versus outdoor activities. Additionally, with each camp session we will take into consideration group interests, interactions observed between individuals, and common needs within the group before committing to set small group plans.

Team Talk
Group of Friends

Free Time

During adolescent stages, being allowed to have “freedom” is an important part of developing a trusting and working relationship with others - especially adults. These periods in our schedule allow for teens to socialize with each other, rest, or do whatever they must with their time (as long as it abides by camp guidelines and involves positivity).  Many of our scheduled activities and most of our curriculum focuses on surroundings, being mindful and aware, as well as maintaining a happy outlook. We expect that as each camp session progresses, we will begin to see participants practicing these things during free time without even realizing it.


“Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poets must write if they are ultimately to be at peace with themselves. What humans can be, they must be.” ―Abraham Maslow


Just like our meditation techniques and small group structure, the workshops we provide will be varying in content and accompanied activities depending on each camp session and participants involved. Primarily, the workshops will be designed to teach hands-on lessons ranging from believing in oneself to showing compassion and understanding for others and how to make an impact on society for the better.

Growing Tomato Plants


We provide three main meals each day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) in addition to one evening snack. Other snacks will be provided upon venturing out of the camp area; for instance, if there is a hike planned for the day or another strenuous outing.

Our program includes ingredients that are homegrown and harvested by participants to encourage self-sufficiency and responsibility.

“The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” ―Thomas Carlyle

© 2023 aKtion Now Consultation Services, LLC

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